Archive for May, 2011
Harmonic Ascendant (1979)
Navis x Mojave
The always great Tim Navis updates from the Mojave Desert with some striking images. These would be great on the wall at large scale.
Teeel + Dirty Beaches + Faux Pas + CFCF
Maybe New Jersey has hidden stacks of Italo and Synthwave records in their used record stores? Both Teeel and Com Truise come from there and have been on a tear lately putting together songs that are journeys into lush melodic lands in space. They have given the ISO50 readers the exclusive FREE download for this remix, enjoy: COM TRUISE – IWYWAW (TEEEL REMIX) – FREE DOWNLOAD
Starfawn shared this song with me last night by Dirty Beaches, definitely not hard to notice his influences but that doesn’t make me not want to put it on repeat.
Wanted to share this free Faux Pas track I found, reminds me of the good ol’ days of Ninja Tune meets when Caribou was Manitoba, those horns are great, grab it here for free.
If a band gets a CFCF remix i’m usually game to hunt it down and listen. Its definitely one of those softer dance cuts that are easy to swallow no matter what kind of music you listen to.
Making of Dubai 45 Gigapixels
The GigaPan EPIC Pro received a firmware update last week. You may remember the hardware from Gerald Donovan’s 45 gigapixel panoramic photo of Dubai (the making of which is included above), which happened to turn one year old that same week. To celebrate the occasion, Gerald has re-rendered the image to correct for stitching errors in the original file. If you missed it the first time, or if you are interested in checking out the updated version, you can view it here. Alternatively, you can check out the original forty-fiver here.
Firespotter Logo Design Process
While it’s fresh I thought I’d write up the process behind the Firespotter Labs logo I designed. This was an incredibly fun logo to design and probably one of the quickest, at least when contrast to some of the luxurious multiple month (!) design explorations I’ve done in the past for school or other companies. That said, it was exceptionally challenging; it’s hard to take a step back and think objectively about the company you’re a part of.
Before this, I had already designed a couple logos for some of the products we’re working on now. I had to break out of the “consumer application” design mindset I had been entrenched in for a few months. For the mothership, we needed something that conveyed that we were a lab full of crazy people brewing up cool things, while simultaneously appearing to be trustworthy gentlefolk worthy of venture support.
Gatto Fritto+Onra+Clams Casino+Terje
I can smell a Bloodsport soundtrack sample a mile away, let me know if you notice it in the synths or I might be crazy. Nothing bad, I actually love this song soo soo much, disco set essential.
Since I posted the Worst Friends Mix a few days ago i’ve been checking up each release and grabbing up certain tracks from them, I found this gem from the Onra & Quetzal album, that thing has like 30+ tracks!
I want to get my hands on the Clams Casino EP but no sign of it yet just mixtapes, been in love with this one which features Squadda B, I wish I was friends with Squadda B so I could just yell: “Squadda Beeee! if your in the kitchen would you mind bringing me a beer?”
Once in a while I look for new cuts from Todd Terje and Pilooski, this new find Snooze 4 Love is soo bubbly and easy to take in, enjoy.
Also, in other news my younger sister Martyna Alexander who’s mostly an illustrator and the talent of the family did this cute 30 second short of a chubby rabbit delivering a note that i’m obsessed with, its sitting over an old BoC track called Close4, adorable right? i’m IN LOVE with drawings 3 which his face shows such good embarrassment and 5, look how proud he is.
Maryland Matryoshka House
As a kid I grew up preferring objects that were round. Maybe it was because they seemed friendlier or maybe it even had to do with safety or maybe it was because I didn’t know any better. Regardless, I’ve come across David Jameson’s great portfolio that showcases a lot of rectangular form. Sure the same could be said for a lot of architecture but he does it very well.
This house in particular is designed with several sets of rectangular forms nested within one another. At the core of the house is a suspended meditation/lounge chamber. Although I’m not sure the exact intent of use for the chamber, I could imagine setting it up as my workspace. I wonder how the acoustics are in there…
Via Wanken
Selebrities + Tiedye + Garnier + Kangding
If the girls fall in love with Selebrities the boys will follow, this track is already penciled in for a few summer mixtapes, look for the LP on Cascine.
I don’t know if its a good thing but I hear New Radicals once the guy starts singing, either way I love what Tiedye did with it for the remix.
This more on the classic tip when it comes to production, I remember seeing this Laurent Garnier record everywhere when it came out, deep cut with some dated vox but hey its a lot better than what new house sounds like right now.
Let this Kangding Ray play out and fall into place, it magically starts forming together really beautifully.
As for the image above, any ideas? would love to give credit.
Cuban Posters
Some selections from Cuban Poster Blog.
Left School, Joined a Startup
You may have noticed I’ve been a little less prolific around here lately; finally I can tell you why. I’m very excited to say that as of last November, I dropped out of my MFA program and am a cofounder of Firespotter Labs, a startup funded by Google Ventures. As cool as the concept of “stealth mode” sounds to me, I am decidedly *not* used to *not* writing about what I’m doing. Finally my sneakiness is over! In this post I want to talk a little bit about what it’s been like working full time at a startup, as well what went into the decision to drop out of my design program five months away from graduation. I really couldn’t be happier.
Of course all this would be more interesting if you knew exactly what we were doing. I wrote our About Us the other day and it’s spectacularly vague, so if you want to find out a little more, there were nice articles in The New York Times and Techcrunch last week.