Warp’s Max Tundra and Black Moth Super Rainbow lead man Tobacco ready their LP’s for October, here’s a sneak peek of album favorites.
Posts by Jakub
Upcoming Tobacco & Max Tundra albums
Biosphere+City Center+The Verve
Here’s a small collection of tracks that i’ve been listening to on repeat this weekend. I’m really loving this City Center track, anyone have anymore info about them?
Delia Derbyshire – Dreams – 1964 UK Radio
I was going to save this for Halloween but its October and i couldn’t wait.
Delia Derbyshire’s “Dreams” was made in collaboration with Barry Bermange (who originally recorded the narrations). Bermange put together The Dreams (1964), a collage of people describing their dreams. It was set by Delia into a background of pure electronic sound. “Dreams” is a collection of spliced/reassembled interviews with people describing their dreams, particularly recurring elements. The program of sounds and voices is an attempt to re-create in five movements some sensations of dreaming: running away, falling, landscape, underwater, and colour.
[audio:derbyshire.mp3]Hatchback & Sorcerer release new LPs
Your soon to be favorite replacement for any downtempo/lounge music is here. As Thievery Corporation grow distant with their outdated world music people need something fresh and need to wipe their hands clean of their 2001-2002 lounge playlists. Hatchback and Sorcerer offer up some of most lovely composed albums which are at a slower tempo and are filled with lush sounds for outdoor beer gardens or creative workspaces. I can only take so much “Lebanese Blonde”, “insert latest Hotel Coste compilation track”, and “Surfing on a Rocket” while I walk thru some local overprice small plate wine bar and walk out. Let this slow motion disco grow and support it, i promise it won’t disappoint. (please note i’m definitely not comparing this music to downtempo/lounge, i think of it as a replacement for that genre)
Francoise Hardy
We haven’t had some original lounge/folk singers on here for awhile or gorgeous women so I had to make sure to knock those out both in this post, enjoy.
Synchronicity Suite Tour
Some of the finest and most diverse acts that Moodgadget has to offer (from the Synchronicity Suite compilation) will be on tour starting October 2nd. Alex / HeadUp who contributes a good amount of feedback on the ISO50 blog did the tour poster for us. I wanted to give you all and Scott some exclusive tracks from Worst Friends, D. Gookin, and Mux Mool so please enjoy them and if you come out to a show let me know i’ll be working the merch table and hopefully blogging on here at the same time.
Mario Bellini Addendum
Originally we posted the Sutra which is the vehicle above but digging deeper I find the typewriter workspace is just as fascinating.
AM Gold+Soft Rock+Slow Jams – Part. II
I spent 30 minutes looking for a larger version of this cover but just had to give up and tile it, i hope i didn’t offend any of the graphic designers out there. This is what happens when Scott is out of town for a show but i just can’t pass up covers that are the color scheme of the Finnish or Quebec flag.
Carl Craig+Mark E+Clark+Deaf Center
Heading out tonight to ruin more of my hearing by seeing Carl Craig DJ after the My Bloody Valentine show the other night i’ll be deaf by Sunday. If any of you are in New York tomorrow Deaf Center from Norway are playing at Le Poisson Rouge, i’m super eager to see them live.
My Bloody Valentine LIVE in New York
I went to see My Bloody Valentine at Roseland Ballroom tonight. I wish I brought my camera to record video of it because first of all the light show and visuals were perfect for the music, so intense that the girl in front of me fainted and my friend Praveen helped carry her outside to get fresh air. I can probably use all the normal describing words for shoegaze like swirling, dreamy, lush, etc to explain the sound when you closed your eyes, it was all there but you can’t understand how loud it was, its really unexplainable, i could sit in front of any speaker you give me and it wouldn’t even get close to the levels and range. I kept running outside to see if my ears or eyes were bleeding. Other than that it was a beautiful show, now all we need is for Slowdive to get back together.