1. I have a love/hate relationship to these due to the fact that Benoit never asked permission to use my work for them…

  2. bob ross says:

    wow, kim…awesome work.
    too bad about benoit.
    i often see work, some of scott’s included, that utilizes images and wonder where did those images come from?

    when, or even is it OK to grab and use images from thrift store books?

  3. Tim says:

    Interesting thought… Sure, the layouts are clean, but these are made through the photography. I’m all for appropriation, but how far can you go with your self-promotion when you’re relying on the work of another creative?

    On the other hand, I would never have know about Kim’s beautiful work if it wasn’t for this post!

  4. Turd Ferguson says:

    interesting in that benoit is using another’s work, while kim is using, in many cases, architecture as the basis for her work.

  5. I found these a few weeks ago over here: http://www.saywhat-studio.com/projets/insitu/

    It looks like they’re tangible, he credits Kim Holterman on the right upper corner, but unfair he didn’t ask permission..

  6. Corinne says:

    Nice design. It looks like a mockups to me.

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