Posts in Print

Comunicazione Audiovisiva

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Some Italiano for you via Pink Ponk’s Flickr. Questo aiuto con la vostra scuola?

1969 Magazine Advertisement.
"Film Special: bimestrale sui problemi della comunicazione audiovisia"
Advertising Office: Studio S & F Cappellato
Milano, Italy 

1969 Poster.
"Studio della simbologia e della modulazione"
Advertising Office: Arflex – I. Negri
Milano, Italy

Pharmaceutical Advertisements

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Some more Spanish Pharmaceutical ads via Ex.Novo’s Flickr.


Some great work over at Product. Really liking that sleeve.

Nikolay Saveliev: Pop Matters

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This is f’ing brilliant. Faux-Academic record sleeves by Nikolay Saveliev for Pop Matters. I’ve spent most of my career searching for beauty in design since I’ve neither the mind nor the inclination for conceptual design such as this and seeing an example so well executed always makes me lament that fact. Sort of a minimalist take on the classic Penguin covers. Can’t get over that last one, "The Lactic Euphemism". Wonder if Nikolay wrote the copy as well? And can’t help but be reminded of Joy Division with that Kanye cover.

Graphis 121: 1965

Some great shots from Graphis 121 (1965) via Insect54’s Flickr. I’ve been meaning to start collecting the Graphis annuals but haven’t got around to it yet….Someday.

Vintage Heat

Not sure if this vintage Playboy action qualifies as NSFW, but it seems pretty tame by today’s standards so thought I would post if not just for that amazing psychedelic swirl going on.

Design 232

design mag
Cover of Design Magazine 232; pretty damned clever. I’ve been planning on experimenting with printing then photographing certain elements for projects then recompositing them back into an image. This makes me realize I need to start working on that sooner than later.

Der Prophet

Another one from the Dream Chimney "Sleevery" archive. Loving the type, I would call that Avant Garde if it weren’t for the rotated ‘e’. Can anyone identify this or is it a custom job? Let us all know…

Not sure what’s going on in this photo, but it’s incredible and the colors are just about perfect. Wish I had some more background on this piece but perhaps someone can fill in the blanks.

100 Percent Chocolate

100chocolate3 At least someone is getting packaging design right these days. These shots are from the 100% Chocolate Cafe in Tokyo. I somehow missed this while I was there, would have been nice to bring some home.

Via Dieline

Sarah France: Method

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Came across the blog of Sarah France today, really liking how she keeps it old school with the hand drawn concepts. Long live Pen & Ink! She also has some cool photos along with a really clean page layout.

I really wish I spent more time with the pencil, I have become pretty lazy over the years. It’s come to the point where writing a full page of text makes my hand hurt so bad that I have to stop. Pretty sad, but I guess with computers there’s less and less need for handwriting.