Comunicazione Audiovisiva

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Some Italiano for you via Pink Ponk’s Flickr. Questo aiuto con la vostra scuola?

1969 Magazine Advertisement.
"Film Special: bimestrale sui problemi della comunicazione audiovisia"
Advertising Office: Studio S & F Cappellato
Milano, Italy 

1969 Poster.
"Studio della simbologia e della modulazione"
Advertising Office: Arflex – I. Negri
Milano, Italy


  1. Erik says:

    wow that top one is pretty bizzare. extremely modern except for the slight bleeding in the photo. take that away and there is nothing in it that wouldnt fit in a present time poster.

  2. Marshall Norman says:

    Man, I love these… the type on the second one is awesome. I wish I could make stuff like this at work, but if i did they would think I’m well… special…

  3. Renzo says:

    besida being amazed by the two pictures I can only provide a translation (one of the few things I’m good at), the first text says:

    “film special” bimonthly review on issues concerning audiovisual communication.
    New unique 1968 issue is out now. The present issue contains the following articles: Cinema between language and reality, Portraits from the electronic world, Electronic music (with attached record by NPG studio Padua), The specialists of specialized cinema, Talking Drawings, The evolution of technique, The present issue is supplemented by 8 reviews of films selected from the Olivetti, Esso and Italsides archives.
    Contributor to the present issue (86 pages): Attilio Giovannini (chief editor), S.J. Andrews, A. Bovio, A. Branca, Mino Crocé, Franco Fortini, Oscar F. Ghedina, Guido Guarda, Guido Manuli, Fabio Mataloni, Teresa Rampazzi, G. W. Tressel, and the AFIP (Italian Photographers Association) and the companies Italsider, Montacatini-Edison, Olivetti. The Booklet, with many pages printed in colors, costs 1500 Lit. (Italian Lire — currency before Euros TN) in Italy, 2000 Lit overseas. A 15% discount is available for subscribers to “L’Ufficio Moderno” and “Linea Grafica” and for the AFIP and Cineclubs associates.

    If you would like to have the translation of the other poster let me know…

  4. Scott says:

    wow, thanks renzo!

  5. moka says:

    amazing photostream! Thanks Scott! I see myself spending the following hours of the night looking at it.

  6. dani says:

    ehy scott, the title is uncorretted: comunicazione AUDIOVISIVA!

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