Favorite Eclipse Photos From Twitter



VisualUniverse on Flickr

jimnista on Flickr

mijonju on Flickr

via @rsarver

Anyone get a good shot of the eclipse yesterday? feel free to link them in the comment section.

In all honesty I just loved the grey hue everything became once it was happening, it was like putting on some sort of weak shade of sunglasses, it was impossible to catch on a iPhone camera thats for sure.


  1. Jakub says:

    nice one Nicholas

  2. Owen says:

    These are not mine, but I thought they were pretty cool:

    Especially the sunset ones halfway down the page…

    Also, seeing the eclipse in the shadows cast by plants is pretty gnarly.

  3. Owen says:

    And that dude does it with some sort of crazy iPhone / telescope / filter set-up.

  4. Dean says:

    The second image is completely CG. Awesome nonetheless.


  5. Scott Ortner says:

    Here is mine from Dodger Stadium…wish I could have gotten the screen and the sun in 1 shot, but alas so it goes.



  6. T5hum says:

    From Phoenix through a telescope:

  7. Angie says:

    I’ve read the book The short second life of Bree Tanner It’s amanzig, it’s about that nerborn vampire, on the bad side, she doesn’t wanna be bad but she’s sorta forced to, but she wants to be good. And in the book, they are passing around bella’s scent lol and it’s awesome, i soooooo wanna see the movie! I’M DIEING TO SEE IT! grrrr! LOL xxx

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