Francisco Canton

Argentinian Graphic Designer and Visionary Francisco Canton has a great eye for fusing together colors and keep textures simple. I definitely like his video work as well, the treatment is pro and you can see some Charles Bergquist-esque qualities in there which is a favorite of mine.


  1. mg33 says:

    If you didn’t know better you might actually think some of this is Scott’s work!

  2. Pipit says:

    Glad I inspired you on the chili. It would be a real condtneer in a superbowl chili-off. And the scallions and corn kernels were an interesting twist in the cornbread. I’ve been wanting to try the Smoky Split Pea Soup. Think it would work with yellow split peas? I loved all the great soups and root veggie recipes in this book! I was able to locavore my way through a frozen Midwest January. My other happy little realization this month is that cookbooks have distinct flavor profiles’ and if you cook through one cookbook for the month, it’s super easy to half recipes but still use up the ingredients on other recipes from the same book later that week.

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