Its hard not to notice the growing popularity of geometric shapes in design these days. A quick search on Behance and you really cant deny it. My laundry detergent even has a pattern of colored triangles on it (which is probably why I bought it). So at the risk of flooding the design community a little more, I have to share an iPad app I stumbled on the other day. Its called Poly.
Some before and after examples of what the app can do above.
All images by Seth Hardie
Instagram: @hallwood
Poly app Here
I’ve been documenting the trend on my Pinterest (yes, cultural taboo) for a while now:
I noticed it to. I think geometric shapes have always been heavily used in design however. But the specific style seen in this app has definitely been popping up a lot.
this one seems made with dmesh 😀
too cool ! shapes n shapes n shapes
Thanks for sharing this app with us. I’m a big poly fan, but then I do use them in 3D software and like well positioned facets. Just found this ‘kinect’ like performace:
Feel they edited to make it seem cooler. Got tired of looking at the green Pyraminx peppered biped.
Hey, Seth… Is this app no longer available? I can’t seem to find it.
bummer that this isn’t available in the U.S.
actually, it’s not available at all. hmmmm.
This is a simple java script that can be found here: over which you have a lot more control over this. This is a plugin in Illustrator
Wow . .That’s Very Beautifull Pic . .