1. Ryan says:

    Whew! Very nice stuff here!
    The bottom left van ravaged with text.. Lovely! Would we ever see a rad van like this in america???

  2. maria says:

    Swiss always seem to have such a natural intuition for design and composition. Not only by walking by their streets, but when I met some Swiss students at my faculty (architecture in Barcelona), their plans were more well composed, with lovely typos and proportions… and the best is that they didn’t designed that specially, they just worked this way. I guess it’s something about visual education.

  3. Scott says:

    if any of those cars were brought here they would explode immediately. we can’t have nice things like that.

  4. SebHayez says:

    So, the e-mail I sent you yesterday is the perfect following.

  5. Rent says:

    the Swiss are seriously the all time masters of graphic design…I couldn’t have said it better really Scott, we just need to realize they have us beat and try and follow suit.

    drooling over these shots though…amazing work

  6. Jeff says:

    Yesh, the Swiss definitely beat us to it! The design from that era is so simple yet so amazing. I’m a fan.

  7. empty says:

    great stuff, thanks!

  8. wm says:

    Swiss are amazing.
    These works are modern, futuristic, relevant even to this day.

    i wonder how did they arrived to such awesome state of work?

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