Your soon to be favorite replacement for any downtempo/lounge music is here. As Thievery Corporation grow distant with their outdated world music people need something fresh and need to wipe their hands clean of their 2001-2002 lounge playlists. Hatchback and Sorcerer offer up some of most lovely composed albums which are at a slower tempo and are filled with lush sounds for outdoor beer gardens or creative workspaces. I can only take so much “Lebanese Blonde”, “insert latest Hotel Coste compilation track”, and “Surfing on a Rocket” while I walk thru some local overprice small plate wine bar and walk out. Let this slow motion disco grow and support it, i promise it won’t disappoint. (please note i’m definitely not comparing this music to downtempo/lounge, i think of it as a replacement for that genre)
Hatchback & Sorcerer release new LPs
You’ve hit the nail on the head my friend, expressing sentiments I have been feeling this past year!
hilarious post. I need some new wallpaper music…
it’s about time for something like this.
I’m into the Hatchback. Not so much the Sorcerer.
I agree with what you’re saying, but I feel this stuff is a little too fey and watered down to keep my hamster wheel moving.
Metro Area is scratching that itch for me lately.
Check ’em out if you haven’t heard them.
Surely Tycho is our favourite downtempo electronica replacement!?
Definitely were great musical discoveries of the week. Thanks for the tip!
Have you ever rocked Kruder and Dorfmeister? Much better than TC. Cheers on the find of this though! It’s good!