1. KYLE says:

    Would love to see a comic book made in this style of the star wars saga. I can’t really figure out who the lizard with the sword is..

  2. Matture Cheddar says:

    Damn, that’s scary. Can you imagine if Star Wars had looked like that.

  3. Tamás Zahola says:

    Haha, thats neat. I’m hungarian, and you should know, that these posters were made in the pre-1989, iron curtain era. It’s likely that the artist had no contact with Lucasfilm whatsoever, so he had to made up his own Star Wars branding 🙂

  4. Patrick says:


    really cool rendition of Star Wars. Definitely has that Eastern European look to it.

    Interesting that Darth Vader is some for of mutant though.

    Not sure where the sea monsters come into play.

  5. Patrick says:

    BTW the font on the JEDI type on the second poster is Awesome.

  6. Jarson says:

    And I thought the Polish movie posters were cool…

  7. That type is fantastic.

  8. Doc says:

    Yeah. I’ve seen these floating around the star wars universe. pretty awesome.

  9. Larry says:

    The Star Was universe as seen through the eyes of someone ripped on too many tabs of LSD. Wocha wocha.

  10. FooBar says:

    The artist is Tibor Helényi.

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