1. Very nice, esp in Radiohead and Site and Sound…real diverse mix of styles coming together. Loved this tiny detail– in one of his magpie book pages, there’s a SICK text effect on “Release”

  2. OK so I liked that text so much, I gave it a shot, here’s what I came up with:


  3. moka says:

    hallo iso.

    might be a bit off topic but I wanted to ask you about your favorite fonts either purchased or free… I really need the help, you’ll see everytime I try and send invitations or try to generally do any cover for school projects or whatsoever I always get stuck when it comes to the font decision. Thought you could help me with some recommendations perhaps?

  4. Scott says:

    I’m putting together an article on fonts at the moment….check back in a couple weeks and it should be up.

  5. greg says:

    Nice work by Mr. Turrell.

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