1. SurviveStyle says:

    I’m rooting for you!

  2. It was sort of like a battle between good and evil (you being good).

  3. wayne says:

    #shanson for the win!

  4. Jakub says:

    That was outstanding! Layer 8 was my favorite

  5. zenzanon says:

    Wow…that was the best layer tennis match I’ve seen by far.

  6. Chad says:

    That was a nice treat for a nice Friday. Best layer tennis match I’ve seen so far.

  7. ebm says:

    scott, how many minutes were you given to create your pieces?

  8. Scott says:

    you literally get 15 minutes…basically, you’re sitting there in a chat room with all the organizers and your opponent and also with an FTP client open to the transfer directory. once your opponent’s file is up (PSD, FLA, MOV, etc..) on the FTP, the timer starts. at the same time, they’re posting a rendered version to the site while the commentator is putting together the text portion. it’s all pretty crazy actually, and if you’re out of ideas, stressful. but in the case of an app crash (like I had on the last volley) you can usually get 5 extra minutes to try and recover since there’s usually some time left over from a previous volley that took less than 15 mins.

  9. ebm says:

    whoa… pretty crazy indeed!

    Your layers are awesome.

  10. natekinnison says:

    Great match Scott, well balanced, well played.

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