I did an interview with Norway National Radio while I was there last week. It’s brief and you’ll have to speak Norwegian to understand most of it. They seemed to focus in on the political aspects of our conversation, most of the questions centered around the role of graphic design in American politics in the wake of the 2008 elections. Also, I had a cold so that’s why I sound like I just inhaled 3 packs of Camels.
On a side note, check out that logo! Love it.
Incredible! I’ve always seen the logo as ugly, but with that background, in this site, it suddenly becomes great.
In the interview the Tank guys says you are simply one of the best graphic designers of our time. I tend to agree. Much of the rest of the interview is simply a translation/summary of what you say. In addition they talk about how you are focusing on music now and that Simen thinks that you will serve as an inspiration to the Norwegian designers (you are).
“In the interview the Tank guys says you are simply one of the best graphic designers of our time. I tend to agree.”
I’ll double that.
Can we please get a new playlist. That would be so amazing.
Interesting story – “Scott Hansen is one of the greatest graphic designers of our time”
And NRK do really have a great logo, here is the full design manual, in Norwegian, http://fil.nrk.no/contentfile/web/designhbok – not a fan off _all_ of them, like NRK.no for instance, but overall I like most of the variants.
Thank you for not using the interview as a political stump speech. Very well said…my wish is that other artists would take a similar stance. 😉
they kind of make it sound like you designed the obama campaign.
do they? I can’t understand what they’re saying. During the interview they were just basically asking what I thought of the design surrounding the campaign and how it influenced people.
No, it’s not that bad. They just say you where asked to be a part of making the campaign material.
BTW, Fairey’s work got all the glamour of the campaign, but you’re poster is far better, much more subtle and of higher technical quality. Fairey opinion of himself and his handling of the copyright claim of the photographer was such a half-assed attempt to put himself on a pedestal of righteousness it made me lose all hope that a famous artist can avoid megalomania. It’s quite unbelievable that the guy claimed that he had the right to use the image (which he did) and has now been commissioned to do an official Creative Commons t-shirt while at the same time going after people who use fair-use to get inspiration from his work.
Sorry for the rant.