SVPPLY Helping You Follow Quality Brands

“Svpply helps you find the products you love, from the people and stores you find interesting.”

When I read that it sounded pretty appealing, then I noticed some of my co-workers using it and I dug in deeper and really enjoyed it since I want to bring in more product reviews onto the site next year, especially well designed ones.

Some people MIGHT write it off as “well this is how rich people shop” but a lot of this stuff is in a good price range plus it helps you pick something worth saving your money for.

If you guys join, let me know, here’s my acct: Heathered Pearls / SVPPLY


  1. Cornelius says:

    “Buy nice or buy twice”

    It’s all about quality and not quantity when it comes to material goods. Btw just treated myself to those B&W P5’s. They look and sound absolutely beautiful. đŸ™‚

  2. Cameron says:

    Maaaaaan, I could get lost for days finding shit I want. I always seem to land on Svpply whenever I am shopping online for clothes, but I always forget I have an account for it.

  3. Graham says:

    I agree that some of the prices are reasonable. I found them awhile ago. But I don’t really like paying extortionate prices for shipping to aus. admittedly I don’t know their prices but im assuming its close to urbans $40+ for standard shipping. But it is a good little hub

  4. Will says:

    Those scarves & that tie are to die for.

  5. Brooke Cantu says:

    I joined a while ago. Before I buy pretty much anything, I check it out on there first. Its so helpful. My account:

  6. Aldous says:

    great place to dream about things I’ll never have the money to buy…

  7. André Santos says:

    It’s great because you can add everything you want from everywhere (unless there is no picture). But it misses the option of making private wish lists or items.

  8. André Santos says:

    …or private profiles.

  9. Luis Mercado says:

    Nice, a hipster wish-list site!

  10. Sabahattin says:

    Hello to the good people of Berry Fresh, epleciasly les demoiselle Marieline et Sylvie! We always feel so welcomed when we come in for Breakfast and look forward to all the friendly faces. The coupons help too since we are a couple with 2 kids in college! Oops! I mean one child in college! Our Daughter Amy JUST graduated from the U. of No. Fla. with her Master’s Degree and is employed as a Counsler in Psychology to troubled children.The good food, friendly service and reasonable prices bring us back every week-end!

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