1. 品牌购 says:

    这个可以看看 博客很给力!

  2. Anon says:

    Stunning work as always! Is there a higher res version? I loved the track too.

  3. Randy says:

    Great track. Can’t wait for the show tonight 🙂

  4. KEVIN A says:

    Loving the live version of Cascade!

  5. Mike says:

    does scott take these photos?

  6. Owen says:

    Would love a high-res version for the iMac…. inspiring, beautiful stuff.

  7. Walter Lockhart says:

    When will it be available in the UK iTunes store?

  8. PT says:

    Dope as always

  9. grey says:

    Isn’t the version of Cascade from Ghostly Swim? That’s what the Ghostly site says. :\ I was a little disappointed that there’s no new b-side, since Hours is already available as a free download. Looking forward to the album.

  10. Alex says:

    Is the live version of “Cascade” the same one that appears on the “Ghostly Swim” collaboration? I heard the version on itunes and it sounds very similar. Either way love the single and can’t wait for the album to release! 🙂

  11. Matt says:

    A note on the artwork/question to any reader:

    This effect is super trendy, cliché, and extremely popular right now with one click of Instagram… that being the case, are you guys as an audience desensitized to this digitized film-fake nostalgia wave we’ve been seeing for the last few years? or is it still valid and worth iterating further?

    You might argue the visuals match the nature of the photograph, maybe.

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