Apple was up to some cool stuff in the 80s. We’ve seen evidence of it before with Apple’s 1986 clothing line and with this Apple gift catalog from 1983. The logo made it on a range of products including race cars, kites and carpets.
More images from the catalog on Mac Spoilers.
I’d like to do a “where are they now” on the models in this picture.
DUDE!!! so cool! I want that T Shirt!!! and the wall hanging!!
best post of the year.
not to mention they nailed that shot with no photoshop post production! 🙂
I actually acquired a really well made wooden box (12x12x6) with a golden-leaf imprint logo. Its really gorgeous and I always wondered where it came from.
Carpet wall hanging FTW
@Jakub how great that would be. Want that carpet in my living room.
You can buy the white rainbow apple t shirt off ebay for like 22 bucks after shipping. Probably a knockoff…who cares.
There is also a light blue version for sale for like 100 bucks….pretty sure its not worth it.
Im not sure if I want to Apple Polo or the sunglasses instead. Probably the sunglasses….