1. NAVIS says:

    I’d like to do a “where are they now” on the models in this picture.

  2. C42D says:

    DUDE!!! so cool! I want that T Shirt!!! and the wall hanging!!
    best post of the year.

  3. C42D says:

    not to mention they nailed that shot with no photoshop post production! 🙂

  4. Corealis says:

    I actually acquired a really well made wooden box (12x12x6) with a golden-leaf imprint logo. Its really gorgeous and I always wondered where it came from.

  5. Jakub says:

    Carpet wall hanging FTW

  6. Shelby White says:

    @Jakub how great that would be. Want that carpet in my living room.

  7. Patrick says:

    You can buy the white rainbow apple t shirt off ebay for like 22 bucks after shipping. Probably a knockoff…who cares.

    There is also a light blue version for sale for like 100 bucks….pretty sure its not worth it.

    Im not sure if I want to Apple Polo or the sunglasses instead. Probably the sunglasses….

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