1. shane says:

    HI Scott.

    Thanks for the regular postings. I got this set as my home page and its great to open up in the mornings to a new set of thoughts.


  2. Scott says:

    Thanks for reading Shane. I’ve set a goal of at least a post a day and I’ll try to keep up with that, though I travel quite a bit so I may slip up here and there…I’ll try to make up for it with pics from the road.

  3. Eric says:

    My employer has 3 different volumes of this series. Great to look through, lots of classic stuff that makes you ask, “What happened?”

  4. Jakub says:

    I have this book with about 50 place markers in it, its soo funny that you posted it because yesterday i was thinking about shipping it over to you 🙂

  5. Joe Kral says:

    I have this book. Lots of great logos. More books at- http://www.flickr.com/photos/joekral/

  6. Hello,

    Where can I buy this book ? Or even the 3 volumes…
    Hope you can help 🙂

    Reply > karpakoi@gmail.com

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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